The Savior’s Instructions About the Holy Ghost

In John 14:15–17, 26–27; John 15:26–27 and John 16:7–8, 13-14; we learn about the Holy Ghost:
  • “Comforter”
  • Can be with us forever
  • Spirit of truth
  • Cannot be seen, but can dwell within us
  • Can teach all things
  • Can bring things to remembrance
  • Peace
  • Testifies of Christ
  • The Holy Ghost could only come after Christ left – see below
  • Will reprove the world of sin, righteousness and judgment
  • Guide you into all truth
  • He will teach what the Lord wants us to know
We can also learn more from the the Bible Dictionary:
  • Doesn’t posses a body of flesh and bones
  • has been manifest in every dispensation
  • Gives testimony
  • Comes after baptism/laying on of hands
  • we can have the power of Holy Ghost when worthy
  • knows all things

“It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.”

John 16:7

The Bible Dictionary teaches us that during the dispensation that Christ was on the Earth, we had the power of the Holy Ghost, but not the gift. After His death and resurrection, those who believed and were worthy received the gift of the Holy Ghost. The power of the Holy Ghost is present whenever we testify of truth. However the gift of the Holy Ghost can be with us always. Since Jesus was no longer on the Earth, the disciples needed this extra guidance so they could receive promptings and do according to Heavenly Father’s will. They needed that light and constant presence.


I personally know that the Holy Ghost helps me everyday. It helps me to know which things are important. It helps me to recognize opportunities to share the gospel with my son in the home. It helps me recognize my weaknesses and how I can improve myself. The Holy Ghost helps me to feel peace in the middle of chaos. He truly can be with us always and is such a great help.

I am so grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost. I know that the Spirit is real. I know that Christ lived and died for us. While he was alive, He taught us essential principles, including the Holy Ghost. Now that He is not with us on the Earth, the Holy Ghost testifies of Him. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

The Savior’s Instructions About the Holy Ghost

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