Preparing for the Savior’s Second Coming

Second coming
In Mark chapter 13 and Luke chapter 21, Christ teaches us about the Second Coming and how we can prepare. We are taught that there will be wars and earthquakes and famines.

He goes on to  warn us:

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Luke 21:36
He counsels us why we should take heed or watch for certain things. I’ll list a few things that believers can do to in order to be prepared to meet the Lord:
  • Mark 13:5 – Don’t let anyone deceive you
  • Mark 13:9 – You will have to bear testimony in His name against “councils, synagogues, rulers and kings”
  • Mark 13:23 – He has foretold us of all of the afflictions, desolation, cruelty and false prophets that will be common in those Last Days
  • Mark 13:33 – We must watch and pray because you never know when the time is
  • D&C 87:8 – stand in holy places and don’t move
  • JST Matthew 1:37 – read our scriptures to avoid deception
  • D&C 33:17 – be faithful, pray always, have your “lamps trimmed and burning, and oil with you”
  • D&C 45:56-57 – receive the truth and use the Holy Ghost as your guide

    Which person will we be in the picture below? Will we be scared and nervous, or will we approach Christ with love and excitement? Or will we be so overwhelmed with sorrow that our head will be in our hands?
    savior nephites

I know that the day is near when the Savior will return again. I also know that through the gospel and the things listed above, we can prepare so that we don’t have to fear that day. That day, the righteous will rejoice and the unrighteous will mourn. I am excited for the Second Coming, I can’t wait to meet my Savior and to live in the kingdoms above with a fullness of joy. I have devoted my life to living righteously so that on that day I will have no regrets or guilt. I know that Heavenly Father has provided us with plan of Happiness and that Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice is central to that plan. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Preparing for the Savior’s Second Coming

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