The Savior’s Instructions About the Holy Ghost

In John 14:15–17, 26–27; John 15:26–27 and John 16:7–8, 13-14; we learn about the Holy Ghost:
  • “Comforter”
  • Can be with us forever
  • Spirit of truth
  • Cannot be seen, but can dwell within us
  • Can teach all things
  • Can bring things to remembrance
  • Peace
  • Testifies of Christ
  • The Holy Ghost could only come after Christ left – see below
  • Will reprove the world of sin, righteousness and judgment
  • Guide you into all truth
  • He will teach what the Lord wants us to know
We can also learn more from the the Bible Dictionary:
  • Doesn’t posses a body of flesh and bones
  • has been manifest in every dispensation
  • Gives testimony
  • Comes after baptism/laying on of hands
  • we can have the power of Holy Ghost when worthy
  • knows all things

“It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.”

John 16:7

The Bible Dictionary teaches us that during the dispensation that Christ was on the Earth, we had the power of the Holy Ghost, but not the gift. After His death and resurrection, those who believed and were worthy received the gift of the Holy Ghost. The power of the Holy Ghost is present whenever we testify of truth. However the gift of the Holy Ghost can be with us always. Since Jesus was no longer on the Earth, the disciples needed this extra guidance so they could receive promptings and do according to Heavenly Father’s will. They needed that light and constant presence.


I personally know that the Holy Ghost helps me everyday. It helps me to know which things are important. It helps me to recognize opportunities to share the gospel with my son in the home. It helps me recognize my weaknesses and how I can improve myself. The Holy Ghost helps me to feel peace in the middle of chaos. He truly can be with us always and is such a great help.

I am so grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost. I know that the Spirit is real. I know that Christ lived and died for us. While he was alive, He taught us essential principles, including the Holy Ghost. Now that He is not with us on the Earth, the Holy Ghost testifies of Him. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

The Savior’s Instructions About the Holy Ghost

Preparing for the Savior’s Second Coming

Second coming
In Mark chapter 13 and Luke chapter 21, Christ teaches us about the Second Coming and how we can prepare. We are taught that there will be wars and earthquakes and famines.

He goes on to  warn us:

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Luke 21:36
He counsels us why we should take heed or watch for certain things. I’ll list a few things that believers can do to in order to be prepared to meet the Lord:
  • Mark 13:5 – Don’t let anyone deceive you
  • Mark 13:9 – You will have to bear testimony in His name against “councils, synagogues, rulers and kings”
  • Mark 13:23 – He has foretold us of all of the afflictions, desolation, cruelty and false prophets that will be common in those Last Days
  • Mark 13:33 – We must watch and pray because you never know when the time is
  • D&C 87:8 – stand in holy places and don’t move
  • JST Matthew 1:37 – read our scriptures to avoid deception
  • D&C 33:17 – be faithful, pray always, have your “lamps trimmed and burning, and oil with you”
  • D&C 45:56-57 – receive the truth and use the Holy Ghost as your guide

    Which person will we be in the picture below? Will we be scared and nervous, or will we approach Christ with love and excitement? Or will we be so overwhelmed with sorrow that our head will be in our hands?
    savior nephites

I know that the day is near when the Savior will return again. I also know that through the gospel and the things listed above, we can prepare so that we don’t have to fear that day. That day, the righteous will rejoice and the unrighteous will mourn. I am excited for the Second Coming, I can’t wait to meet my Savior and to live in the kingdoms above with a fullness of joy. I have devoted my life to living righteously so that on that day I will have no regrets or guilt. I know that Heavenly Father has provided us with plan of Happiness and that Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice is central to that plan. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Preparing for the Savior’s Second Coming

Christ Testifies of Eternal Marriage

As I studied Matthew 22 earlier this week, the passage in verses 23-30 was confusing to me. After looking into it a little further, I thought I would share…

In Matthew 22:23, and also in Acts 23:6-8, we learn that the Sadducees didn’t believe there would be a resurrection. In verses 23-30 the Sadducees ask Christ specifically what would happen in the resurrection if a woman were married to several brothers (according to levirate marriage, a custom at the time). They essentially ask which brother she would be married to. The ridiculous part is that in Matthew 22:23, and also in Acts 23:6-8, we learn that the Sadducees didn’t believe there would be a resurrection. Considering this, their question in Matthew 22:24-28 wouldn’t have been very sincere. However, Christ takes it as an opportunity to explain the difference between temporal and eternal marriage.

Matthew 22:30 reads:

 “For in the aresurrection they neither bmarry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the cangels of God in heaven.”


I referred to the New Testament institute student manual to better understand this verse. The manual helped me understand that marriages will exist after the resurrection, they just won’t be performed. Elder James E. Talmage’s teaches us that “In the resurrection there will be no marrying nor giving in marriage; for all questions of marital status must be settled before that time.”

Doctrine and Covenants 132:15–16 testifies and expands on this same truth.

 16 Therefore, when they are out of the world they neither marry nor are given in amarriage; but are appointed angels in bheaven, which angels are ministering cservants, to minister for those who are worthy of a far more, and an exceeding, and an eternal weight of glory.

 17 For these angels did not abide my law; therefore, they cannot be enlarged, but remain separately and singly, without exaltation, in their saved condition, to all eternity; and from henceforth are not gods, but are aangels of God forever and ever.

I like this scripture because it truly helps us understand what the repercussions are of not being married in the temple, with a sealing covenant according to God’s law. Anyone who isn’t married for eternity will only be an angel, instead of an exalted being like Heavenly Father. Though it would be nice to be an angel at our Heavenly Father’s side, we know that there are greater possibilities. Also, it says “separately and singly” which clarifies we wouldn’t be with our families since we are not bound by God’s law. Therefore, the marriages made on Earth would not kept us bound to one another if not done by the power and authority of the priesthood. Christ uses this to answer their question by essentially saying that she would only be married to those brothers which she married according to Heavenly Father’s law (in the temple).

I’m so grateful to know that I can be with my spouse and my children forever through the sealing covenants that are performed in the temple. I’m also so grateful to see that Christ taught this very teaching in the New Testament. So many other religions don’t teach this basic principle of temporal vs. eternal marriages. I know that this is the restored church and through the power and authority that we have on the earth today, these covenants are possible. I know that Jesus Christ lives and died for us. I know that we have a loving Heavenly Father and he has given us an amazing plan of salvation that can bring us great happiness if we just follow it. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Christ Testifies of Eternal Marriage

Treasures in Heaven

 19 ¶Lay not up for yourselves atreasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thievesbbreak through and steal:

 20 But lay up for yourselves atreasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor bsteal:

 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Treasures on Earth                                                              Treasures in Heaven
car and house
eternal family


Further explanation:

A car and a fancy house are just a few examples of treasures that people may pursue on this earth. Some people may pursue prestige through career advancement, nice clothes, technology gadgets, and even social popularity. A family, though it is central to exaltation, is one of the greatest treasures that we can lay up in heaven. Other treasures include knowledge and any other positive personality attribute, experience or value that we’ve attained in this life. Many people, whether they have the gospel or not, get their priorities mixed up and spend too much time pursuing treasures that “moth and dust corrupt.” Christ used two parables to teach the principle that we are to focus ourselves on treasures of eternal nature. By doing so, we ensure that our treasure will last and be meaningful. I especially love verse 21, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Remember that the things you value most and think about the most are going to be the things you’ll have the hardest time giving up. Personally, I want to know that I would give up anything to follow Christ and for my family.

A few questions and answers to consider as we read The parable in Matthew 19:16-30
  1. What indication can you find that suggest why the young man decided not to follow the Savior?
    • He had many possessions and didn’t want to give them up.
  2. How does Matthew 6:19–24 help explain his choice?
    • It says “where your treasure is, there is where your heart will be.” In this man’s case, because of all the time and effort he took to gather those possessions, he didn’t want to give them up.
  3. What blessings did the Savior promise to those who make sacrifices to follow Him?
    • Sit upon the twelve thrones next to Christ, judging the twelve tribes of Israel
    • Receive a hundredfold
    • Inherit everlasting life
  4. The Savior’s response to Peter in verses Matthew 19:26-30 inspire me to find more ways to set aside my worldly possessions and desires and refocus on following Christ. Especially in verse 29, it talks about forsaking specific things including houses, land and family for his names’ sake. To me, that means being willing to give up those things to live a life that represents His name well. My future family is in a situation where we need to choose where to live. We could live in a home where I would work more (as a mother), or we could live in an apartment and I might not have to work as hard for my family to afford it. I know that one way I could put the Lord first in my life is by following the prophets’ counsel to have mothers in the home and choosing the less expensive option. This would mean sacrificing the comfort of a bigger home for my family.
Now let’s look at the parable in in Matthew 20:1–16

Notice in the table below the difference in the hours worked versus the wage that each laborer was given. Then let’s consider a few questions regarding the parable and how it correlates to the rewards that come to those who serve in the Lord’s kingdom.

The hour the laborers were hired
How much the man agreed to pay
Hours worked
How much they were actually paid
 early in the morning  a penny for the day  12 hours  penny
 the third hour  whatsoever is right 9 hours  penny
 the sixth hour  whatsoever is right  6 hours  penny
 the ninth hour  whatsoever is right 3 hours  penny
 the eleventh hour  whatsoever is right  1 hour  penny
  1. What do we learn from this parable about serving in the Lord’s kingdom?
    Some people will be called to serve earlier and for longer than others. That doesn’t mean the reward will be any different. No one has control over when they learn of the gospel and to be offered that chance to do the Lord’s work. Thus, they shouldn’t receive any less than those who learn of the gospel and dedicate themselves sooner. In reality, this is the most just way for the Lord to reward us for our efforts.
  2. What message of comfort can this parable have for converts to the Church?
    This is comforting because they don’t feel like they’re missing out on anything. They have the same opportunities for rewards as we do.
  3. What would you tell someone who feels it is unfair for each of the laborers to be paid equally?
    I would just kindly remind them that some of the laborers were not offered the work earlier in the day. Or they had other things preventing them from offering their labor earlier in the day. We never know what would have made them unable to work for that first portion. All we know is ourselves. Why should we expect a full reward if we didn’t put in a full effort from the time we knew of the opportunity/were asked to labor? Why would it matter as long as you’re inheriting the kingdom of heaven? Would you honestly wish that upon someone else? That they wouldn’t have the same potential to earn as much as you simply because they got started later?
my testimony

I know with all of my heart that those eternal treasures are far more valuable than any treasure I could have here on earth. The reality is that our time here is so small in the whole scheme of things. I’m so grateful for the gospel and that it helps me keep things in an eternal perspective. I’m grateful to know that my life isn’t over when I leave this world. I’m grateful for the hope that it gives me to know that I can be with my family forever. I love learning because I know that my knowledge is an eternal treasure that I get to use in the worlds to come. I know that this is all part of our Heavenly Father’s great plan of happiness. I know that He loves us and wants the best for us. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Treasures in Heaven