What is a Disciple of Christ?

In Luke 10:38–42; 11:1–13; 12:13–40; 13:23–24; and 14:16–33, we learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and what the Savior taught about counting the costs of following Him. Essentially what it comes down to is that if we truly understand all that Christ and Heavenly Father have done for us, we would realize we are greatly indebted. These scriptures repeat over and over again that what is ultimately required to be a disciple is that we must be willing to give up all that we have to follow Him. However, here are a few other attributes of a disciple that I found in these scriptures:

mary and martha

  • The story of Martha and Mary teaches us that one important way we can be a disciple is by simply listening to his teachings.
  • Make an effort to have sincere prayers that show gratitude, faith, and asking for forgiveness.
  • Have trust and that Heavenly Father will grant all that you need, thus your prayers will be centered on true faith.
  • We can also give freely and joyfully even when it’s inconvenient.
  • Don’t covet thy neighbor
  • Put your trust in the Lord; as you seek His kingdom, He will make sure you are taken care of physically. He knows your needs and just as He takes care of the rest of His creations on Earth, such as the animals and the plants, He will take care of you too.
  • Be watchful and ready for the Second Coming.
  • Strive to enter into the Kingdom because simply wanting to go there doesn’t make you worthy.
  • Continually strive to “accept” Christ’s invitation to feast. The gospel is a glorious feast, make sure you don’t make excuses or get your priorities wrong.
  • Be willing to let go of everything you have to follow Christ.
  • Offer your whole soul.scripture study
  • Fast
  • Pray

One aspect of accepting Christ’s invitation to the feast that I want to work on… When I think of the feast that Christ has to offer us, I most often think of what a blessing it is to have the scriptures, to feast on His words per say. I’ve always been in the terrible habit of doing my scripture study right before bed. Especially since becoming a mother, it’s really the only quiet time I have unless I try to wake up before my toddler. However, I have had many experiences that help me to understand the power of a “perfect morning.” In other words, waking up early enough to have a meaningful personal study while you’re fresh. Time that you set aside everyday to start the day off strong and to keep the Spirit with you as you go about your daily tasks. Without fail, it work wonders every time I’m able to pull myself out of bed early.  This is one way I know I can more fully accept His invitation. I can fill my spiritual tank every day by waking up early to do my personal studies.

once and for all disciple

May we ever strive to be better disciples of Christ. I encourage you to ask yourself if there’s anything you can do to be a better disciple. Is there something you haven’t been willing to give up? For me, it’s sleep. I have a strong testimony of the importance of becoming better disciples. I’m so grateful for all that Heavenly Father has blessed me with. I’m grateful for Christ and the Atonement. I know they live and love us beyond our comprehension. I know that as we are more dedicated that we’ll be able to touch peoples’ lives. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

What is a Disciple of Christ?

Becoming as Little Children

be-not-afraid-greg-olsenI’ve really enjoyed the opportunity that I’ve had to spend every day with my amazing son, Brigham and the three boys I nanny during the week. It has become apparent to me during the past year and a half that children possess so many desirable attributes. A few have really stood out to me lately.

One, is their ability to take action without hesitation. They don’t care if they’re not good at something. In fact, sometimes it’s exciting to have the challenge of practicing so they can be as good as someone else. They do that because they’re humble. They’re used to having to learn. Once we become adults, a lot of times we get stubborn and comfortable and avoid situations where we are required to learn or allow our weaknesses to show. Perhaps this is why the Lord counsels us in Matthew 18:3-4 to humble ourselves as little children.

Another thing I’ve pondered about recently is how often our children are completely unaware of not only how hard we work for them everyday, but also how much we hope for them for their future. Some people start saving to help their kids go on missions or go to college from the time that they’re born. Others make a determined effort to be teaching the gospel everyday and in all ways possible so that they can ensure that when it comes time for their son to go on a mission, or their daughter to go to the temple to be married, that that child will choose righteously. In Doctrine and Covenants 78:17–18, we learn that we don’t understand how great the blessings are that the Father has prepared for us either. The same way as we prepare bright futures for our chidren, Heavenly Father does the same for us, only even more! We have such little comprehension of the blessings he’s waiting to pour out to us. What an exciting thought! Here’s my favorite mormon message that shows how much a father does for His children, just as Heavenly Father blesses us:

Earthly Father, Heavenly Father

FullSizeRenderThe next thing I’d like to point out is that children are dependent. Often, they’re incapable of simple tasks such as going to the bathroom or feeding themselves. Sometimes they can’t walk, or even when they get older, they can’t reach the cup on the top shelf. They need help, to be put simply. Similarly, we learn in Doctrine and Covenants 78:17–18 that we cannot bear all things now. We are still learning, but Heavenly Father is there by our side. He has promised us in this verse that he will lead us along.

I love the direction that we receive in Mosiah 3:19.  We are told to “become as a little child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.” I have gained a testimony of each of those attributes. I definitely still have room to grow, but I have noticed in my life that as I focus on becoming each of those things, that Heavenly Father blesses me. Specifically, I have a strong testimony of submitting yourself to His will. The greatest blessing I ever received in my life came just a few short days after I committed myself to do His will. I had even hung up a sign in my room that read “Thy Will Be Done.” I will forever remember that miracle and trust in Him that He knows best. I’m so grateful to be a child of God and I have a great testimony that as we become more like children, that we will be able to grow and become better. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Becoming as Little Children

Overcoming Insufficiency

Comparing two miracles where Christ was able to feed thousands:

Matthew 14:14-21 Matthew 15:32-38
How many people were present?  5 thousand  4 thousand
What did they need?  to eat  to eat
What were they able to offer in an effort to meet that need?  5 loaves, 2 fish  7 loaves, a few little fishes
What words or phrases describe the Savior’s feeling toward the multitudes in their time of need?  compassion  compassion

will not send them away fasting

What words or phrases describe what the Savior was able to provide for the multitudes?  healed sick

blessed and broke the bread which the people ate and were filled

 blessed and broke the bread which the people ate and were filled

These parables can help to remind us that the Lord can truly expand what we have. When we are insufficient, he makes up the difference. In Romans 3:23, we learn that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” We all fall short. Christ is able to help us overcome our insufficiency just as he was able to do with the loaves and fishes. In Ether 12:27 it says that he can even make our weaknesses into strengths. To me, that is such a blessing. I have so many weaknesses that I hope will be my strengths one day. That is possible through Christ. I know these things to be true and I leave my testimony with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Overcoming Insufficiency